Proper Uses & Differences of How About…? & What About…??

Today in this article we discuss some practical usages of two widely used interrogative phrases how about…? and what about….?. We will also show you what are the differences between…

16 Most Beautiful English Words

Language is beauty, language is form. It is expressed through sounds made of words. Well, there are some words that sound rhythmic. Today we have put up 16 most hauntingly-beautiful…

Important Uses Of The Preposition Under : Practical Communication

You can uses the word ‘Under’ both as a preposition and an adverb. However, the word is mostly used as a preposition and has wide range of meanings and application…

You Should Know These Uses of The Verb ‘Leave’

The word ‘leave’ has multiple meanings and uses in English language. With the word, you can have lots of communication or expressions. So gaining knowledge on all of them is…

Wind Down, Ward Off Something, Piss Off, Double Down Phrase Meanings

Phrases are an important element of English language if one wants to learn the language effectively. In terms of both verbal and written communication, their uses are widespread. in learning…

Important Meanings & Uses Of The Word ‘Beyond’

​You can use the word ‘Beyond’ both as preposition and adverb. It has wide range of important and interesting uses in everyday communication, both verbal and written. We have in…

Job/Exam/Spoken English : Meanings & Applications of Some Common Phrases

In order to help you better prepare for job/exam/spoken English, we have discussed meanings and applications of some phrases like Hit Up, Single (someone/something) Out, Turn The Corner, Sleep On…

Job & Admission Test Prep : Cornerstone, Panacea & Flagship Word Meanings

In order to help you better prepare for exams—be it job test, university admission test or anything else, we from now on will regularly put up contents on English language.…

Is There Any Difference Between Seem, Appear & Look

Look, seem and appear are all copular verbs which we can use quite similar way to signal the impression (an idea or opinion or feeling) one gets about something or…

All Important Uses of Delexical Verb ‘Give’

The verb ‘give’ is a widely used common verb, which is also a delexical verb. As a delexical verb, this verb has wide range of uses in our everyday communication.…

Word of The Day : Top of Mind Meaning

You can use the word ‘top of mind’ both as an adjective and a phrase. According to Macmillan Dictionary, as an adjective, the word means something is ‘of greatest concern,…

Differences Between Ago & Earlier, After & Afterward

Yes, there are clear & obvious differences between ago & earlier and after & afterwards. In this article, we discuss the differences in details with examples. So let’s get started…

Delexical Verbs : Their Functions, Meanings & Applications

We often come across some verbs like have, make, take, give, go and do. These common verbs are called Delexical Verbs. With them, we can make thousands of expressions. In…

Meanings Of In Advance & In Advance Of : Their Uses, Synonyms, Antonyms

‘In advance of’ is a phrase of the word advance. The phrase simply means ‘before or ahead of (something or someone) or ‘at an earlier time’. In other words, if…

Is There Any Differences Between Ahead & Prior

Is there any differences between the words Ahead and Prior? Yes, there are significance differences in meaning and uses between them which this lessons covers in details. Difference Between Ahead…

Is There Any Differences Between Afterward and Later

This lesson discusses the differences between afterwards and later in details. As adverbs, there are clear differences between them which this article covers with practical examples. Meanings of Afterwards and…

Pediatric Meaning : Is There Any Differences Between Pediatric and Paediatric?

First, What Does Pediatric Mean? The word ‘Pediatric’ is an adjective which means ‘relating to the branch of medicine dealing with children and their diseases’. The word ‘Pediatric’ has another…

What Does ‘In Awe of Something or Someone’ Mean : Synonyms, Antonyms, Uses

First, the word ‘Awe’ means ‘an extreme or great level of feeling or emotion mixed with fear, wonder or respect for something or someone’. So the phrase ‘in awe of…

Meanings of the Word Posterity : Synonyms, Antonyms, Uses with Examples  

The word ‘Posterity’ means ‘all future generations of people’ or ‘all the people who will exist in the future’. It simply means ‘future generations’ or even ‘the future’. Posterity is…

Myriad Meaning : Synonyms, Antonyms, Uses with Examples in Sentences

You can use the word ‘Myriad’ as both Noun and Adjective. But you often employ it as noun in sentences. As a noun, the word myriad means ‘a very large…