You Should Know These Uses of The Verb ‘Leave’

The Word Has Wide Range Of Applications In Our Daily Communications, Both Casual & Formal

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The word ‘leave’ has multiple meanings and uses in English language. With the word, you can have lots of communication or expressions. So gaining knowledge on all of them is very important as part of your efforts to have command over the language.

‘Leave’ Word Meanings & Applications : 

It Means ‘Go Away’ : 

A. Leave as a verb means ‘go away’. That means moving away from a place or person temporarily that remains static or in the same state or position. See some examples below :
1. I am leaving city tomorrow for my village home.
2. Do you want to leave the office now?
3. I am planning to leave my family for one week for a planned visit to abroad.

Leave Means ‘Quit Something : 

B. Leave means ‘quit a job or a family permanently’. See the examples :

1. I am going to leave my current joy for a better one.
2. When did your father leave his job? In last May.
3. My elder brother has decided to leave the family just after his marriage. (meaning decided not to stay with his parents any more).

Leave Means ‘Forget To Take Or Carry’ : 

C. Leave means ‘let something remain behind in a place or state’ or ‘mistakenly forget to take something with oneself’. Let us some examples :

1. John’s father today has left his moneybag at home while setting out for office.
2. Yesterday my daughter left her school lunch box at home. As a result, I had to drive to the school with the box later.
3. One of our team members had got left due to delay of his arrival at the pre-fixed place.
4. I am going to leave you from the tour if you remain glued to the demands.

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Leave Means ‘Let Something Remain In A State Or Condition’ : 

D. Leave something means ’cause it to stay or remain in a particular place, state or condition’. Look at the sentences :

1. The guest entered the room with shoes which left some dark marks on the carpet.
2. The boss has left an important message for you.
3. Leave the door open as it is very hot today.
4. We left the fan on or running when set out for cinema last night.
5. The smile of the girl just left us stunned.

Leave Refers To ‘Make Something Available’ : 

E. Leave means ‘make something available. That means ‘an amount or some part of something is left or available after use. See the examples below :

1. We have left 4 apples for you and your team.
2. Please try to leave an amount of the cake for the homeless waiting outside.
3. They did not leave anything for us for lunch yesterday.
4. There are some oranges on the plate. So please leave at least one for me.

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 Leave Denotes ‘Give Responsibility Of Something To Someone’ : 

F. Leave also means ‘give responsibility of something to someone. Look at the sentences below :

1. We have left all our baggage with the immigration dept. at the airport due to lack of some papers.
2. I am leaving the matter of choosing a gift for our friend’s marriage to you as I have been able to decide on that.
3. My grandfather left all his property to or for his eldest son.

Some Other Uses Of ‘LEAVE’ As A Verb :

A. Leave something (left over) means the thing is left unused. See the examples : 
1. There’s some food left over from the party.
2. Please give all the left overs to the animals.

B. One can ‘leave something somewhere for a specific purpose’. Look at the sentences below : 

1. I have left class for you on the run.
2. My mother left dinner for you on the stove.

C. If you leave something to someone, that means you have arranged for that person to receive it after you die. See the sentences below : 

1. My grandfather left all his wealth to his daughters.

d. If you leave an activity, it means ‘you wait before you do it. See the examples below : 

1. We will leave painting the wall till next month.
2. I will leave reading the novel till the day after tomorrow.

To summarize, with the word ‘Leave’ you can make lots of expressions which are common in our day to day conversations. To have a strong understanding and knowledge on them will surely improve you fluency in English. But for that practice is the key. More practice, more skills and more fluency with English language. Good Luck!

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