Bees Can Perform Simple Mathematics!

Given tiny size, we normally consider bees to possess little intelligence. But according to a new study, this little insect has the capacity to do basic mathematics like human beings!…

Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Globally women usually tend to live longer than men. But why? A study by the Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis has revealed the mystery behind this, reports USA…

China Introduces Smart Uniforms In Schools

Schools in China’s Guizhou province and Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region have introduced smart uniforms for students. The authorities have taken the measure to ensure students’ attendance and safety, reports China…

How Love Is Expressed In Different Cultures

Almost everyone wants to fall in love at least once (possibly more) in their lives. But getting to know or feelings that someone is in love is quite interesting. At…

One in 3 British School kids think cows lay eggs!

One in three British Primary students think cows lay eggs, finds a survey carried out jointly by a charity and a kitchen appliance firm. The survey involves 1000 kids aged…

Bride In Wedding Dress Appears For Exam!

A bride has appeared for her semester exam in traditional wedding dress! This surprising case has occurred recently in the Indian state of Gujarat, reports Times of India. According to…

Toilet Turns Human Waste Into Power & Digital Money!

A South Korean Professor has developed a toilet which can turn human excrement into power and ultimately making a way to earn digital currency! Interestingly, students concerned can use the…

Nine Dogs & Three Guards To Protect Mangoes!

A couple in Indian state of Madhya Pradesh’s Jabalpur village has deployed nine dogs and three guards to protect their orchard of Japanese Miyazaki variety mangoes from theft, reports Times…

Romanian Model-Cum Politician Lost Job For Being Too Beautiful!

Claudia Ardelean (27) is a model turned politician in Romania. With nice look and intelligence, she won several beauty contests. Recently she landed herself an unpaid position on the board…

Robot Dog Koda Can Read Human Emotions & Act Accordingly!

Humanity is witnessing more and more innovation on the back of advancement of technology. The latest to that is the robot dog ‘Koda’ which according to its maker can surprisingly…

Tokyo Using ROBOTS To Cheer Up Corona Patients

Tokyo, the capital city of Japan, is employing humanoid robots in hotels where coronavirus patients with mild symptoms are being kept. The city authority has recently revealed this in a…

TWINS Named as Corona & Covid after Coronavirus!

The deadly novel coronavirus, officially known as Covid-19, has been causing serious havocs across the world as the virus has already infected more than 10,50,000 people including at least 53,000…

If You Are A MALE, JOB Holder, Then READ This Story!

Drawing cigarettes or smoking is undoubtedly an unhealthy lifestyle, thought there is strong debate if it is totally harmful for health or not. Whatever the facts are, people across the…

Fruit Vendor Gets India’s Highest Civilian Honor. The Reason Fascinating!

Harekala Hajabba is an ordinary orange fruit seller at Newpadapu village in the Indian state of Karnataka. By selling fruits on streets and open spaces, this elderly man earns just…

Certificate Course on Ghost Studies at Banaras University!

The subject of ghosts has ever remained us all mystified and fascinated, hasn’t it? Now to unlock that mystery regarding the so called matter and treat relevant psychological conditions, Banaras…

Read What a Spanish teacher Did to Make Anatomy Classes Interesting for Kids

Teachers in general take different approaches and tricks to make their classes attractive and interesting for young students. Sometimes these strategies turn out to be successful, at times not. But…

Bachelor’s Degree at The Age of Just 9!

What class can a child attend in at the age of 9? At best, class three. But surely you cannot believe yourself what Belgian boy Laurent Simons is set to…

What A Measure To Deter Students From Cheating!

Indian students have got notoriety for cheating during exams. To prevent them from this malpractice, schools at various levels have previously taken different measures. But the results from these steps…

Robot That Can Help Users Fall Asleep

A group of student-cum-researchers have created a robot that can help users fall asleep by simulating rhythms or sounds akin to that of human beings. The creators of the robot…

Economic Instability Harms Brain

There’s a perception financially unstable situation affects one’s mental health. But a new study showed that someone’s particularly young adults’ poor or volatile economic state during peak earning years leaves…