You can use the word ‘Beyond’ both as preposition and adverb. It has wide range of important and interesting uses in everyday communication, both verbal and written. We have in this article discussed all the essential applications of the word ‘beyond’.
Uses Of The Word ‘Beyond’ :
Beyond means ‘except’ when you use it in negative sentences (or sometimes in questions as well). See the below sentences :
- I have got no other information about John Kulert beyond he used to work in our office two years back.
- I know nothing about him beyond the fact that he used to work for an autonomous agency three years back from now.
- Could you provide me any further information about the job beyond the fact that its work station will be outside New York?
- My younger brother has no other income beyond what he earns out of his regular job.
N.B : In the above sentences, we have applied the word ‘beyond’ as a preposition as it has following noun or noun phrase or clause.
- I think the television is beyond repair (meaning it can’t be repaired).
- The situation in war-torn Ukraine is already beyond our control, says the USA State Department.
- The relationship between my younger cousin and me is beyond reconciliation.
- The relationship between two major political parties in Bangladesh is beyond reconciliation.
- Your appearance has changed beyond recognition.
As a preposition or adverb, it can means ‘past a place or outside an area’. In other words, it means ‘further away than something else’. See the following examples :
- China looks to establish dominance beyond Asia and Africa.
- China already has its influence, both political and economic, in African continent. Now it wants to move beyond. (meaning ‘past the continent or outside the continent’).
- There’s a warning sign about how far we can go up to the border. Therefore we can’t go beyond.
- The forest authority has already reminded us that we can’t walk beyond the red line.
Attention : Prepositions are always followed by a noun, noun phrase or pronoun while adverbs are not. That means if any word is used as Preposition then it must have a following noun or pronoun.
On the other hand, adverb does not have any following noun or pronoun or object. That’s the rule applicable to all words, used as either preposition or adverb.
You can use beyond to mean ‘after a time or age, or above an amount or level’. Look at the examples below :
- Majority of people want to continue working beyond 65.
- You should stay awakened beyond 12 pm every day.
- You must reach office not beyond 10 am.
- I do not think he can carry beyond 50 kg.
Also you can use it to mean ‘more than a particular amount or higher than a particular level’. See the following sentences :
- Inflation has risen beyond 10% in many parts of the world.
- I do not think he completed his study beyond class 12.
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Beyond Synonym or Similar Words :
There are a number of (quite) synonyms for the word ‘Beyond’. Some of them are : behind, past, after, over, further on, far off, far away, in the distance, afar, later than etc.
Common Phrases Made With Beyond :
Notably, we can make some phrases with the word beyond. Some of them are the following :
Be Beyond Someone (or even something) Meaning :
It means something ‘to be too difficult for someone to understand or deal with. See the example below :
- This AI technology seems to be beyond my knowledge.
- I think this matter is beyond your capacity.
- The existing relationship between USA and Bangladesh over elite law enforcement agency RAB (Rapid Action Battalion) is beyond me.
- Mathematics is ever beyond me!
- It’s beyond me why China wants to occupy Taiwan in this modern time. (It’s beyond me why/how/what).
Beyond Belief/Recognition Meaning :
You can use this phrase to say that you cannot believe or recognize something. See the examples below :
- Wealth has changed his lifestyle beyond belief.
- The center of Kuala Lumpur has changed beyond recognition over the last 20 years.
- AI Technology is transforming tech landscape beyond belief.
Beyond Doubt/Dispute Meaning :
One can use this phrase to say that ‘something is so certain that it cannot be doubted or argued about’. See the examples below :
- Donald Trump’s guilts in the sexual harassment case has been proved beyond doubt.
- Saudi Arabia’s involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khasoggi is beyond doubt.
To sum up, as preposition and adverb, the word ‘beyond’ has many important applications in our daily conversation, both casual and formal. If you can have a command over them, then it will surely increase your overall understanding of English which is already a strong communication tool, not to mention.
Towards that, regular practice is the key. Good Luck with your English learning journey!