You Should Know These Uses of The Verb ‘Leave’
The word ‘leave’ has multiple meanings and uses in English language. With the word, you can have lots of communication or expressions. So gaining knowledge on all of them is…
Is There Any Differences Between Afterward and Later
This lesson discusses the differences between afterwards and later in details. As adverbs, there are clear differences between them which this article covers with practical examples. Meanings of Afterwards and…
Practical English : Uses of Some Phrases
Learning English is not an impossible thing if one has solid passion and hardworking mentality. To learn the language effectively one needs to have commands over all aspects of the…
University Admission/Job Prep : Some English Phrases & Meanings
Achieving success in all types of competitive exams including university admission or recruitment tests quite depends on the performance of English segment. Phrase is an important part of the subject…
University Admission/Job Test Prep : English
We put up today some MCQ type questions on English for our visitors, particularly those seeking job and university admission to help them prepare for their respective competitive exams. Which…
Mission English : Meanings & Usages Of ‘Contingent’
We regularly put up important lessons for readers as part of campaign ‘Mission English’. Toady we have provided meanings & usages of the word ‘Contingent‘ to help you learn English…
Mission English : Different Usages Of Phrasal Verb ‘Put In Something’
Phrasal verbs have extensive usages in our daily contacts. So as part of our campaign ‘Mission English‘, we have today put up meanings & usages of one ‘Put in (something)’. …
Mission English : Meanings & Usages Of ‘Sign Up’
Phrasal verb is an important aspect of English language. As part of our ‘Mission English’ campaign, we have today put up the meanings and usages of a phrasal verb ‘Sign Up’. …
Mission English : Meanings & Usages Of ‘In Parallel’
English is a very easy language to learn. But there is no àlternative to being continuous in learning it. Every day one must give some time in their learning English…