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Economic Instability Harms Brain

There's a perception financially unstable situation affects one's mental health. But a new study showed that someone’s particularly young adults’ poor or volatile economic state during peak earning years leaves impacts on their brain in

Want To Get Fluency In English?

There are some common verbs like ‘have’, take, go, make, do’ which are called Delexical verbs. They are used with certain particular nouns where they have very little meaning of their own. In other words, in these sentence structures, most…

Ways To Offset A Bad Day At Office

We all, more or less, sometimes go through bad mood at office for several reasons ranging from family issues, health conditions to work related matters. Well, elevating bad mood or getting rid of it rests upon us. Followings

BSHRM-NSU 8th International HR Conference

Bangladesh Society for Human Resources Management (BSHRM) in association with private North South University is going to hold an international HR Conference at the university campus on 19th April. In this regard BSHRM, the largest and apex…

Bad Mood Leave For Employees!

To manage human resources properly and efficiently, a Chinese firm called China Dinosaurs Park has taken an initiative which allows them to take leave as ‘bad mood leave’. To get the leave, employees just need to inform their boss that

Ways To Deal Irritating Co-workers

Everyone may have at least one co-worker who is always causing troubles intentionally. Sometimes, doing work gets difficult in such situation. Instead of letting self down, you have to know how to deal such irritating persons. The best