BGB (Border Guard Bangladesh) opens a job circular to recruit Physiotherapists to provide health care to its members & their family members with application deadline April 18, 2024.
As per the circular, the authority will recruit two (2) persons (1 male & the other female) to the post of Physiotherapist through out-sourcing process.
BGB Physiotherapist Job Application Requirements :
Interested persons will need to meet the following conditions, among others, to be eligible for application :
- Minimum BSc in Physiotherapy degree with SSC & HSC.
- Age needs to be in between 25 to 40 years.
- Marital status can be anything, married or unmarried.
Responsibilities as BGB Physiotherapist :
Selected persons will have to perform duties for six (6) days a week from 8:20 to 2 pm. Besides, they are expected to do on-call duties and on emergency.
For details, please see the BGB job circular available at the end of this article. So please keep reading!
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BGB Physiotherapist Job Application Process :
Aspirants will need to apply with all personal details including present & permanent address, birth date, NID number, educational qualifications along with the following documents :
- Attested photocopies of all academic certificates.
- Nationality or Character certificate issued from respective Union Parishad/Municipality Chairman/Ward Commissioner/First class gazette officer.
- Two (2) copies of color passport size photograph which needs to be attested by first class gazette officer.
- Photocopy of National ID Card or Birth Certificate.
- Certificate related to professional experiences.
Notably, all applications must be sent by post to the following address by April 18, 2024 :
Border Guard Bangladesh Head Quarters, Medical Wing, Pilkhana, Dhaka.
BGB Physiotherapist Recruitment Circular 2024 :
For additional information, job seekers will need to see the circular provided below :