The 41st BCS Written Test seat plan, timing & important instructions are now out. All regarding the exam is available through this article.
As per earlier announcement from Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC), the written test of 41st BCS involving compulsory subjects is beginning from November 29. The exam will continue until December 7.
The test will take place at all centers in all eight divisional cities across the country concurrently.
As per the schedule, every day the exam will begin from 10 am. To find out more on the schedule, one needs to see the 41st BCS Written test Seat Plan available at the end of this essay.
Or one can find all details information regarding the written test of 41st BCS at the following website :
Subject-Wise (Compulsory Subjects) Written Test Schedule :
- English (003) : To start from 10 to 2 pm on November 29.
- Bangladesh Affairs (005) : From 10 to 2 pm on November 30.
- International Affairs (007) : To last from 10 to 1 pm on December 1.
- General Science & Technology (010) : To take place from 10 to 1 pm on December 2.
- 1. Bangla First Paper (001) & Second Paper (002) (For General & Technical and Professional Cadres) : Set to happen from 10 to 2 pm on December 4.
5.2 : Bangla First Paper (001)
(Only for Technical/Professional Cadre) : From 10 to 1 pm on December 4.
- Mathematical Reasoning (008) : Exam time from 10 to 12 noon on December 6, 2021.
- Mental Ability (009) : On December 7 from 10 to 11 am.
Notes To Check Out : There will be 50 MCQ Type questions for the subject of Mental Ability. Each question will carry 1 marks.
Here note that there will be negative marking of 0.5 marks for every single wrong answer out of the total marks obtained by candidates concerned.
BCS Preliminary Test :
Earlier on March 19, the preliminary exam for 41st BCS was held from 10 a.m. to 12 pm at all centers in 8 divisional cities concurrently across the country.
According to the government body, about 4 lakh 75 individuals applied to take part in the preliminary exam.
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Background of 41st BCS :
Bangladesh Public Service Commission (PSC) published the circular of 41st BCS on November 27, 2019.
Through this BCS, the government will recruit at least 2,135 officials for different cadres. Majority of the figure—915 posts— will go for Education Cadre.
Below is the Seat Plan For 41st BCS Written Test (Center-wise) :
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Things Banned To Carry To Centers :
As per the notice, candidates will not be able to carry the following things to exam centers —-books, mobile phones, calculators, all types of watches, Smartphones, bags, all types of jewelries, all kinds of electronic devices, any devices resembling bank’s debit or credit cards, calculator etc.
Candidates can’t keep any coverings over their ears at the time of test. If they need any hearing aid, then they will have to have prior approval from the authority with suggestion by expert.
If anyone possesses the things on the list of ban, the law enforcers will not allow them to enter center.
On the other hand, candidates must wear face masks while entering exam centers as part of heath guidelines set by the authority in order to curb the spread of COVID-19 virus.
Necessary Instructions for Candidates :
- Candidates of the 41st BCS can download their written test admit cards with their username and password from Bangladesh Public Service Commission website which is www.bpsc.gov.bd. They can also download their admit cards from the commission’s Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd. Link which is https://bpsc.teletalk.com.bd.
- No candidates will get access to exam center 15 minutes after the start of the test. So they have to reach their exam venues with enough time in hand.
- Candidates are advised to reach test venues by 9:20 in the morning.
- Students are also advised to carry their National ID Cards (those who have the cards already) to avoid any toward situations on exam days.
- Examinees will be barred to keep any coverings over any parts of the body except face masks over mouths and ears.
For further details, candidates need to see the related circulars available at the middle of this article.
Final Words For Candidates :
Average pass marks for the 41st BCS written test is 50 percent. However, if anyone gets less than 30 percent marks in any subject, the mark will not get added to total marks he or she will secure in the test. So no alternative to having strong preparation!