Islamic University, Kushtia (IU) first year honors admission circular for year 2020-21 is now open with online application beginning from November 28, 2021.
IU Application Link :
Admission seekers who took part in GST 20 University combined admission test for year 2020-21 can apply through the following link :
To note, students must maintain the rules and steps available at the above link at the time of applying online. For details, they need to visit and check all details information available there.
IU Application Period :
As mentioned earlier, online application process of the Islamic University is beginning from 12 :1 am November 28. And the deadline to apply is 12 pm night December 12, 2021.
Here note that students for the academic year will get enrolled into 32 Departments under three units—A, B & C. To find out details, students need to surf the related link (https://www.iu.ac.bd/admission).
Unit-wise Application Fee :
The fee for application varies from unit to unit. The application fee for 11 departments under ‘A’ Unit is total Tk. 650 while it is Tk.800 for 15 departments under ‘B’ Unit and Tk. 400 for six departments under ‘C’ Unit.
In case of application for more than one units, applicants have to pay extra Tk. 200 as fee. For details, one needs to see the honors admission circular of Islamic University (IU).
IU Admission Requirements :
Applicants need to meet the following basic conditions to be eligible for application :
- Those who received admission test results by having appeared in GST 20 University admission test for academic year 2020-21.
2. Students who sat for GST ‘A’ Unit admission test will be able to apply for admission into all available departments under the faculties involving all three units—A, B & C—pending meeting required conditions.
3. Students who took GST ‘B’ and ‘C’ Units admission test will be able to apply for admission in different departments under both the units respectively.
Faculties At Islamic University Under Three Units :
Faculties Under A Unit : Science, Engineering & Technology and Biological Sciences.
Faculties Under B Unit : Arts, Social Sciences and Law Faculties.
Faculties Under C Unit : Faculty of Business Administration.
For details, one needs to have a look at the first year (honors) admission circular 2021.
READ MORE : You May Like This Below Link Also (just click) :
All Public University Admission Circulars 2021
Foreign Students Admission Process :
International students will also be able to enroll themselves into different department available at the university.
Their admission process will be completed according to Foreign Students Admission Ordinance of the university.
Details to this end are available at the university website
which is www.iu.ac.bd
Attention : For further details, admission aspirants need to see the Islamic University, Kushtia Admission Circular 2021 provided in the below image :
First Year Honors Admission Circular of Islamic University Kushtia :
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