The Ministry of Youth and Sports invites application from youth organizations to award grants to implement self-employment projects for fiscal year 2020-21. The last date to apply online is June 28, 2021.
The grant will be provided from youth development fund under the ministry.
How To Apply : Application must be made online in given form. The form can be found at the ministry website’s ( ) Youth Welfare Fund Online Grant Link under Internal E-Service.
Or application form can be filled up straight by surfing the following link at :
Eligibilities For The Grants : Aspiring organizations need to meet the following rules and regulations to be eligible for application for the grants :
- Having got registered or certified according to relevant existing rules in the country.
- Priorities will be given to organizations registered or certified with Directorate of Youth Development (DYD).
- Selected organizations must bear minimum 10 percent of the total estimated project cost from its own financing to implement the proposed projects.
- The maximum amount of any grant will be Tk. 50k (50 thousand) which will be disbursed on the basis of merit of the project.
- Preference will be extended to the organizations managed by youth women, transgender individuals or the disabled.
- The organizations those received grants for fiscal year 2019-20 are not eligible to apply.
- All relevant papers or proofs in support of information provided on the fields of the application form must be uploaded.
Attention : For further details on the conditions of participation in the grant program, interested persons need to see the Ministry of Youth and Sports’ Grant Awards Circular 2021 in the below image :