Malaysia is currently ranked as the world’s 11th most preferred study destination by UNESCO. The government is committed to its vision of turning the country into a high quality education destination for students from all over the globe. The country’s Ministry of Higher Education monitors all institutions to ensure that they adhere to the highest standards.
As a result, many reputable foreign universities from countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand have set up branch campuses in Malaysia or engaged in collaboration with Malaysian institutions.
The Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) monitors the quality of all areas of the education system. It is the main quality assurance and accrediting body and it has the responsibility of assuring the quality of both public and private higher education institutions in Malaysia. This ensures students gain the skills they need and obtain qualifications that are relevant for their future career.
Affordable Tuition Fees : One of the main attractions Malaysia holds for foreign students is ‘affordability’. The major cost considerations when it comes to a foreign education are course fees and living expenses.
Once they calculate the cost of education and living in Malaysia, many international students discover that studying in Malaysia offers them real value for money.
The affordable cost of quality tertiary education is one of many good reasons why international students choose Malaysia.
For example, you can acquire a UK engineering degree (3 years) in Malaysia through a franchised degree programme at an estimated RM51,000 (USD16,000), whereas the tuition fee of the same degree programme at the host university in the UK is about RM144,000 (USD45,000).
Reasonable Cost of Living : Aside from affordable tuition fees, another great reason to study in Malaysia is the relatively low cost of living. Kuala Lumpur has been ranked one of the least expensive cities in the world to live in. Whether you choose to live on campus or off-campus, you will find that it is quite possible to live very comfortably within a budget of USD 5,000 per year.
Safe & Stable Environment : Malaysia is one of the world’s most peaceful and politically stable countries. It boasts of being one of Southeast Asia’s most vibrant economies, which is the fruit of decades of industrial growth and political stability.
Today, Malaysia has emerged as a confident and vibrant entity that is secure, stable and increasingly prosperous at home, and at peace with its neighbours. With its history of political stability, there are strong foundations on which Malaysia can rely as it moves ahead with efforts to become a high-income, innovation-based society.
Universities & Colleges : Public and Private universities and colleges offer excellent educational courses and programmes. Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in Malaysia can be grouped into two major categories:
1. Private Higher Education Institutions : Private universities and colleges rely on corporate investment, alumni and student funding under the Private Higher Educational Institutions Act 1996 to sustain their operations. Some of these institutions collaborate with reputable foreign universities to jointly award degree qualifications.
2. Public Higher Education Institutions : Public universities and colleges are government-funded higher education institutions under the Ministry of Education. These institutions provide quality education to students in Malaysia and are categorised into 3 major groups; Research Universities, Focused Universities and Comprehensive Universities.