Want To Get Fluency In English? Learn Delexical Verb ‘Do’

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There are some common verbs like ‘have’, take, go, make, do’ which are called Delexical verbs. They are used with certain particular nouns where they have very little meaning of their own. In other words, in these sentence structures, most of the meaning is found in the noun, not in the verb (delexical one). In addition, the particular noun, not the verb, carries the meaning. The knowledge and understanding of delexical verbs is very important in learning and having fluency in English as these structures are very common in the language. Remember, little things in all cases play vital role, so does dexical verb in spoken English. In the previous lessons, we discussed several such verbs like have, take and go. Today we have a discussion on another such verb ‘Do’. The usages of the delexical verb ‘do’ are given below :

A. ‘Do’ is mainly used as a delexical verb with –ing nouns to do with work (nouns those formed with verb+ing and serve as a noun). Such nouns relate to mainly household works. See the examples below :
1. It’s your turn to do the cooking.
2. My wife is out of home today. So I will have to do the cooking.
3. Could you please do the sweeping today?
4. Househelp always do the cleaning at my home.

B . When it is clear what the action is, we use do with nouns. Look at the sentences below :
1. You always need to do your hair before going out. (do the hair means ‘to brush or comb hair’)
2. Have you done your teeth? (done your teeth means brushed or cleaned your teeth.)
3. Have you done your study? (means finished your study).
4. By the time, my mother might have done the kitchen (meaning might have finished the cooking)
In this cases, meanings sometimes depend on the context. Like :
Have you done the car? This sentence could mean
1. Have you cleaned the car?
2. Have you mended the car?
3. Have you put fuel in the car? Etc. depending on the context.

Remember that delexical verbs like do are used mainly with nouns (pure and -ing nouns.).
Note : practice brings skills or good to any learning. There is no choice to it. So to get skills or fluency in English learning, practice delexical verbs as they play key role in learning English. Therefore regularly visit this platform for important lessons on English.

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