The United States on 14 July has recorded its highest single day jump in new coronavirus cases with 67,417 cases reported on the day since the first case was detected in the country on January 21. The country has seen 900 new deaths as well on the day, as per data from Johns Hopkins University.
With that figures, there are now at least 3,431,574 cases and 136,466 deaths in the USA, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
On the other hand, a new model predicts that the potential death toll due to the virus in the country would reach up to 224,000 by November 1 this year, up from the earlier projection of 208,000 fatalities made last week.
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The model is prepared by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.
At least 33 states including Florida, Texas, Arizona, California have been witnessing record surges in new cases.
That’s the reason behind the rise in new prediction by the institute as Dr. Chris Murray, chair of the institute, said, ‘that increase in our forecasts is being driven by the big upsurge in you know the ones we know about in Florida, Texas, Arizona, California.’