Robotic Dog To Guide The Blind!

American researchers have developed a fully autonomous robot dog that can guide the blind around obstacles and in confined spaces. According to the scientists, such canine in the future could…

Your Finger Will Be Your Phone!

Could you ever imagine that you can use one of your fingers as phone? No, this could be an imagination no more. An Italian company called Deed & Get has…

Human Brains To Soon Be Linked To Computer Networks To Form Super-brains

Human beings within decades will be able to connect their brains to a network of computers. Not just that, using this technology, a network of brains could also help form…

Bees & Fish Can Talk To Each Other!

Fishes and bees can now be able to talk to each other? You got surprised by learning this information? Yes, it’s true. Scientists have developed a system that allow this…

Facebook Developing Mind Reading Technology!

Have you ever thought any device or technology could read your mind or brain? If yes, then it will soon become a reality as social media giant Facebook is developing…

FedEx Bringing Delivery Robots!

American multinational courier delivery services FedEx is set to test a delivery robot that will be used to deliver courier to customers. After successful tests and approval from the authorities,…