Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) invites applications from eligible Bangladeshi citizens to avail eight (8) PhD scholarships. The last date to submit applications is June 15, 2022.
Intro of PSTU PhD Scholarships :
The scholarship is on offer with relation to the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) financed project titled ‘Climate-friendly and climate-resilient prawn farming in Bangladesh (ECOPRAWN)’.
The Faculty of Fisheries and Faculty of Business Administration at the PSTU offers the PhD scholarships in collaboration with the Faculty of Fisheries and Faculty of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology at the Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) and Department of Food & Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
As per Google, Danish International Development Agency, is the brand used by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark when it provides humanitarian aid and development assistance to other countries, with focus on developing countries. DANIDA is an area of activity under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
PSTU PhD Scholarship Requirements :
Interested professionals must meet the following primary conditions, among others :
- Having MS/MSc or equivalent degree alongside other specified requirements which are available at the below-mentioned websites.
- Upon successful completion of study and research, recipients will likely get double degrees from Bangladesh and Denmark.
USA Fulbright Foreign Student Program (Fulbright Scholarship) 2023-24
PhD Application Procedure :
Aspirants can collect the details on application process from the below two websites :
www.pstu.ac.bd and www.bau.edu.bd
Or one can make contacts with the following persons : Professor Badiuzzaman,; Professor Dr. Mohammad Mahfujul Haque, 01712-006293; Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman Khan, 01734-128911 and Professor Dr. Mohamamd Lokman Ali, 01792-171772.
To note, Professor Badiuzzaman is with the Patuakhali Science and Technology University, also the Country Coordinator, ECOPRAWN Project.
Attention :
For more, one can have a look at the PhD Scholarships circular of Patuakhali Science and Technology University, available in the below image :