Applications are invited from eligible individuals and organizations for National Youth Awards 2021 with the last date to submit application being July 29, 2021.
Every year, the National Youth Award is handed out as part of the celebration of National Youth Day in recognition of person’s or organization’s outstanding contribution to the socio-economic developmental activities of the country.
Application Procedure : Interested persons, associations contributed to the socio-economic development of the country, particularly the youth, need to make application for the award in given form which can be found at the following website : www.dyd.gov.bd
To note, candidates, both in the categories of individual and organization, will be nominated for the Youth Award 2021 according to the National Youth Award Policy (amendment) 2021 which one can find too at the above website.
Things To be Considered for Award Nomination : The following credentials or conditions will be taken into consideration while nominating persons or organizations for the National Youth Award 2021 :
- Youth applicants with self-employment need to have received training from the Department of Youth Development.
- For the award in the Category of Youth Organizer, applicants need to hold registration or recognition from the Department of Youth Development.
Important Notes :
- Incomplete applications will be regarded as invalid for consideration. So application forms need to be filled up properly.
- For any assistance to application form fill-up, one can make contacts with Deputy-Director (local) of Department of Youth Development or Office of Youth Development Officer at Upazila level.
Application Deadline : The last date and time to submit application is 5 p.m. this July 29, 2021.
Application Destination : Aspiring individuals or organizations need to submit properly filled up application forms at their corresponding Upazila’s Office of Youth Development Officer. To note again, no application will be entertained after the deadline of July 29.
Attention : For any further information regarding the National Youth Award 2021, one needs to see the concerned circular provided in the below image :