Applications are invited from interested qualified individuals for the National SME Entrepreneur Award 2021 with the deadline to apply being July 29, 2021.
Every year, SME Foundation holds the National SME Entrepreneur Award to encourage and recognize small and medium entrepreneurs across the country for their contribution to employment generation and socio-economic development of the country.
How to Apply : Interested persons need to apply in given application form which one can collect from the Office of SME Foundation situated at Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. Or one can collect the form from the following website at :
Award Category : There are six (6) awards in three categories—-1. Best of the Year Micro Entrepreneur 2. Best of the Year Small Entrepreneur and 3. Best of the Year Medium (level) Entrepreneur with each category holding two awards—one each for male and female.
Important Note : Any person or organization can make application in favor of any entrepreneur they deems suitable for any of the categories.
N.B : Those who applied already for the National SME Entrepreneur Award 2021 need not apply again.
Application Destination : Filled up application form can be submitted by Post or Mail to the following address respectively :
For by Post : Parjatan Bhaban (level 6-7), E-5, C/1, Agargaon Administrative Area, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.
For by Email : [email protected]
Hotline : One can make calls at these numbers for any further queries : 01724-166727, 01731-595206.
Attention : For more, one needs to see the National SME Entrepreneur Award Circular 2021 provided in the below image.