In the USA, Canada and in many other countries, Mother’s Day 2023 will be celebrated and observed on second Sunday of May which is May 14.
And in 2024, the day will be on May 12. Last year, this day was observed on May 8 in the USA, Canada and many other countries like Australia, Denmark, Brazil, Bangladesh, Switzerland, Singapore, New Zealand.
In essence, international Mother’s Day is celebrated on different days across the world meaning some countries observe the day in the month of March while some others in the month of May.
However, official International Mother’s Day set by the United Nations (UN) is also the second Sunday in the month of May.
Is Mother’s Day different in every country?
Like the United States, Canada, Singapore, Brazil, many countries observe Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May. However, many other nations celebrate the day on a different date. A celebration that honors motherhood, Mother’s Day is held annually around the world on a range of different dates.
Like in the UK, Mother’s Day is generally observed in the month of March. In the UK, Mother’s Day 2023 was observed on March 19. In 2022, the day was on March 27. And in 2024, Mother’s Day in the UK will be celebrated on March 10.
Significance of Mother’s Day :
Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family or individual, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society.
It complements similar celebrations, honoring family members, such as Father’s Day, Siblings Day, and Grandparents’ Day.
What are the Mother’s Day for 2023?
This year, American Mother’s Day will fall on Sunday May 14 2023 with almost 100 countries celebrating the event on the same day.
Why is it called Mother’s day?
The official Mother’s Day holiday arose in the 1900s as a result of the efforts of Anna Jarvis, daughter of Ann Reeves Jarvis. Following her mother’s 1905 death, Anna Jarvis conceived of Mother’s Day as a way of honoring the sacrifices mothers made for their children.
When did Mother’s Day start?
According to almanac.com, in 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill designating the second Sunday in May as a legal holiday to be called “Mother’s Day”—dedicated “to the best mother in the world, your mother.” For the first few years, the day was observed as a legal holiday, but in absolute simplicity and reverence—church services were held in honor of all mothers, living and dead.
Why is UK Mother’s Day in March?
In the UK, Mother’s Day falls on the fourth Sunday during the Christian festival of Lent. As the date of Lent changes every year, so does the date of Mother’s Day. The Christian festival of Lent is celebrated to pay tribute to all the loving mothers in the world.
Why are UK and US Mother’s Day different?
According to Yahoo! News, In the UK, Mother’s Day is always held on the fourth Sunday of the Christian festival of Lent. The custom came about because this was traditionally when those who had moved away for work would come back and visit their ‘mother church’ and their own mothers, which is also why we often refer to it as Mothering Sunday.
As the dates of Lent vary each year, so does the date of Mothering Sunday. As well as the UK, Ireland, Guernsey, Jersey, the Isle of Man and Nigeria all have the same date for Mother’s Day.
In 2023, it was celebrated on March 19, while in 2024 it will be on Sunday 10th March.
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Why is Mother’s Day Different in the USA?
In the US, Mother’s Day is held on the second Sunday of May, which this year falls on Sunday May 14 2023. The celebration does not have religious links
According to History.com, the day’s celebration was in fact started when an activist called Anna Jarvis held a service in May 1908 to honor the sacrifices individual mothers made for their children.
‘Jarvis then began writing letters to newspapers and politicians pushing for the adoption of Mother’s Day as an official holiday’, added the site.
Why is English Mother’s Day different? or
Why is the date of Mother’s Day different in the UK?
The UK has a different date than the USA because the date of Mother’s Day in the UK is connected to Easter, which changes every year. The UK, Ireland, Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man and Nigeria all have the same date for Mother’s Day.
What countries celebrate Mother’s Day?
Most of the countries in the world celebrate Mother’s Day. Almost 100 countries celebrate the Day on the second Sunday in May (May 14, 2023) including the U.S., Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Ecuador, most of Europe, Grenada, Honduras, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, the Philippines, Puerto and more.
Some other countries observe the day on different dates like May 8 in South Korea (Parents’ Day), May 10 in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, May 26 in Poland, May 27 in Bolivia, June 11 in Luxembourg (second Sunday of June), August 12 in Thailand, last Sunday of November in Russia, December 22 in Indonesia, October 15 2023 in Argentina (Third Sunday of October) etc.
To sum up, more or less almost every country across the world observe and celebrate Mother’s Day, though of course on different dates. They celebrate the day in honor of mothers, in every home, every society, every nation, every country.