There’s a common perception that beautiful employees or workers get hosts of benefits in their workplaces. What they receive, among others, are better salary, and work evaluation etc. and they have more employability. Even previous studies have shown that attractive CEOs bring more returns to their companies. But a new research finds that this so called workers’ ‘beauty premium’ is losing effectiveness, particularly in service sectors.
This new study is carried out by Chun Zhang, an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Dayton, USA with some of her colleagues.
According to researchers, the reasons behind good looking workers receiving more benefits than their less beautiful counterparts may be because customers are more likely to buy products or take services from them (beautiful staffers) comfortably. In this case, less attractive employees are lagging behind. Taking this so called belief into consideration, may be some companies tend to recruit good looking people.
The new study, however, has found that this common idea of beautiful employees getting more advantages in workplaces is getting weaker. Rather this perception may have negative effects on the companies. So as per the scientists, it would be wise for companies, particularly in service sectors, not to focus on only beautiful people at the time of hiring staff. Source : Business insider.