Do you think as the older sibling, you are more responsible and popular among family members? Then sadly you are probably wrong as a new study finds that your younger sibling is more humorous, creative, adventurous, social and relaxed, reports Times of India.
The study is conducted by global online community ‘YouGov’. The findings showed that there is a substantial difference in the personality of the oldest and youngest sibling.
In the study, a group of siblings are asked to mark their sense of humor in comparison to their sibling. Besides, they are assessed in the areas of assertiveness, responsibility and management skills.
The study findings concluded that the youngest sibling of the family is the most charming and entertaining than the older ones. The reason behind that is older sibling tend to take more serious and responsible roles and parents are also more easy on their last child than the oldest and middle ones.
However, older sibling does not need to get upset reading or knowing this study findings as it also shows that he or she has got higher IQ than their youngest sibling. And the reason is parents happening to be more dedicated towards the older one than their youngest one.