Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET) invites application to make recruitment to 14 posts. The last date to apply is July 15, 2021.
Vacancy in Numbers : The posts in which recruitment will be made are the followings :
- Professor (Computer Science & Engineering Department, no. of posts 2) 2. Associate Professor (Computer Science & Engineering Department, no. of posts 1) 3. Assistant Professor (Department of Chemical & Food Engineering, no of posts 2) 4. Computer Programmer/Database Programmer (ICT Cell, no. of post 1) 5. Lecturer (Department of Mathematics, No. of post 1) 6. Lecturer (Institute of Information & Communication Technology IICT, No. of post 1) 7. Lecturer (Department of Materials & Metallurgical Engineering, No. of post 1) 8. Office Assistant-cum Computer Operator (Office of Registrar, No. of post 1) 9. Electrician (Office of Engineering, No. of post 1) 10. Lab Attendant (No. of post 1) 11. Helper (Office of Director (Transport, no. of post 1) 12. Office Assistant (Dean, Faculty of Science Office, No. of Post 1).
Note : For further information such as requirements, both academic & workplace-related ones, rules of application and others can be found at the following website :
Application Process : Interested and qualified individuals need to make application for their preferred posts in given format which is available at the below website :
Application Fee : The fee for application is for the posts under Serial Number 1 to 7 is Tk. 350, for the posts under Serial number 8 to 9 Tk. 200 and for posts under serial number 10 to 12 is Tk. 100. To note, the fee needs to be deposited as Pay Order/DD in favor of ‘Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur’.
Application Destination : All applications need to be submitted in 4 p.m. on working days by July 15 to the following address :
Registrar, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur.
Attention : For any more information, one can see the Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology Job Circular in the below image :