UNICEF Releases Book for Children on Coronavirus

Hundreds of millions of children across the world are now out of school over the deadly novel coronavirus pandemic. For them and beyond, UN’s children fund UNICEF has released a…

Parents’ Book Reading Has Benefits For Kids

While it’s important for kids to learn to read on their own, it’s also a good idea for parents to keep reading with them as this practice carries lots of…

Stormzy Launches New Cambridge Scholarship for Black Students

’ lack of representation of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) students at Cambridge, with some colleges not admitting any black students at all between 2012 and 2016. Statistics from…

LCC grads create startup to help startups

CUNY Startups assists students in launching their own ventures, through a four-month program that helps teams go from idea to pilot to launch. After successfully taking an early stage idea…