BUTEX (Bangladesh University of Textiles) four year BSc in Textile Engineering program admission circular for year 2023-24 is open with application period from January 28 to February 19. And admission test is scheduled to take place on March 8, 2024.
BUTEX Admission Requirements 2024 :
Aspirants will need to meet the following conditions, among others, to be eligible for application :
1. GPA minimum 4.5 out of scale 5.0 in SSC or equivalent exam from any general/technical or Madrasa Education board.
2. GPA minimum 4.50 in HSC or equivalent exam from Science Group under any Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Board/Madrasa Education Board/Technical Education Board in the year 2023. Besides, total grade points involving Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry & English in HSC or equivalent exam must be minimum 18.50.
3. For English Medium Students, Grade Point in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematic & English each must be minimum ‘A’ In GCE ‘O’ Level while Grade point minimum ‘A’ in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics each in GCE ‘A’ Level exam.
BUTEX Admission Circular 2024 In Brief :
Bangladesh University of Textiles Subjects :
The university currently offers four year BSc Engineering degree in the following subjects :
1. Yarn Engineering (no. of seats 80) 2. Fabric Engineering (no. of seats 80) 3. Wet Process Engineering (no. of seats 80) 4. Apparel Engineering (no. of seats 80) 5. Textile Engineering Management (no. of seats 80) 6. Textile Fashion and Design (no. of seats 40) 7. Industrial and Production Engineering (no. of seats 40) 8. Textile Machinery Design and Maintenance (no. of seats 40) 9. Dyes and Chemicals Engineering (no. of seats 40) 10. Environmental Science and Engineering (no. of seats 40).
Notably, there are 600 seats available in total involving all the departments for the academic year of 2023-2024.
BUTEX BSc Engineering Admission Process :
BUTEX BSc in Textile Engineering program admission process has two steps. First, admission seekers meeting basic requirements will need to apply by SMS through any Teletalk prepaid mobile number by paying TK.300. The authority will then make a list of eligible candidates out of all applications for the written test scheduled to take place on March 8.
In the second phase, all primarily eligible candidates will apply again to take part in written test by paying further Tk.1,000 following the guidelines mentioned in the circular.
SMS Application Process :
Students must apply through any Teletalk prepaid mobile numbers in the following way :
Write : BUT space first 3 letters of HSC Education Board space HSC Roll space HSC Passing Year space First 3 letter of SSC Edu Board space SSC Roll space SSC Passing Year. Then send the message to 16222.
For further details, one needs to see the circular available at the end of this article. So please keep reading!
Application Period :
As mentioned above, application process begins from 10 am January 28. And the last date & time to apply is 11:59 pm February 19, 2024. The fee for initial application is Tk.300.
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Eligible Candidates’ List For Written Test :
The list of eligible students for the written test is scheduled to be out on February 25, 2024.
Admit Card Download :
Applicants will be able to download written test admit card from 10 am February 26 to 11:59 pm March 5, 2024. To get admit cards, applicants will first need to login the following website http://but.teletalk.com.bd.
After login, they need to click ‘BUT Admission Option‘ and upload image & signature in the designated fields. With proper submission of image and signature, candidates will then be able to color print out their admit cards.
Notably, applicants first must deposit application fee and subsequently download & print out admit cards. Without fee submission, they will not be able to download admit cards.
BUTEX Written Test 2024 Date :
As mentioned above, BUTEX BSc in Engineering program written test for academic year 2023-2024 will took place from 9:30 to 11:30 on March 8, 2024. And the result will be published on March 28 in the university website (http://www.butex.edu.bd). Candidates can get the results from the university notice board also.
Notably, examinees have to carry color admit cards (printed) and original registration card of HSC or equivalent exam to exam venues. Otherwise, they will not get access into the venue.
For details to this end, applicants will need to read the admission circular thoroughly.
Written Test Seat Plan :
The written test seat plan will be available in due course of time at the university website (http://www.butex.edu.bd). Candidates can get it on the notice board also by visiting the campus.
BUTEX Admission Test Method :
BUTEX Admission test will consist of 200 marks written type questions. Of the marks, 60 marks each for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and 20 for English. Notably, there will be no MCQ type questions on any subjects.
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Admission Test Results :
As per the circular, the written test results of BSc in Textiles Level-1 course is expected to be out on March 28.
Bangladesh University of Textiles Website :
For further details, admission seekers can visit the following website :
BUTEX Admission Circular 2023-24 :
For additional information, students need to see the circular provided below :