BUMS, BAMS and BHMS (Bachelor of Unani, Ayurvedic & Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery) Course admission circular for year 2023-2024 is expected soon. Once up, you will find it here. So keep following!
Notably, last year first-year BUMS, BAMS and BHMS course admission test for year 2022-23 took place on June 2, 2023.
What BUMS, BAMS & BHMS Stand For :
BUMS stands for Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery while BAMS for Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery and BHMS for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery.
BUMS, BAMS & BHMS Application Requirements :
Aspirants need to meet the following conditions to be eligible for application :
- Having passed SSC or equivalent exams in 2020 or 2021 and HSC or its equivalent exam with physics, Chemistry and Biology in 2022 or 2023.
- Those who passed SSC or its equivalent exam before 2020 are not eligible for application.
- SSC and HSC combined GPA must be minimum 8.0 but GPA must be min 3.50 in either of the exams.
- For non-tribal applicants from tribal and Hill tracts districts, SSC and HSC combined GPA must be at least 7.0 but not less than 3.0 in any of the exams.
- GPA must be minimum 3.50 in Biology in HSC or equivalent exam which is applicable to all applicants.
Application Link :
Interested students need to apply through the following link :
To note, online application process begins from 10 am May 8, 2023.
Application Fee :
The fee for application is Tk. 1000 which applicants can pay only through any Teletalk Prepaid Mobile Number.
Here note that the last date and time to deposit the fee is 11:59 pm May 24.
Admit Cards Collection :
Examinees can download their admit card over the period of May 30 to June 1.
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Admission Test Date & Time :
As mentioned earlier, the first year Bachelor of Unani, Ayurvedic and Homeopathic course admission test is scheduled to take place on a particular date.
BUMS, BAMS & BHMS Admission Test Method :
First year BUMS, BAMS & BHMS admission test will consist of 100 marks MCQ Type questions with each question carrying one (1) mark. Of the total marks, 30 marks will be for Biology, 25 for Chemistry, 25 for Physics, 15 for English and 10 marks for General Knowledge. The minimum pass mark is 40 out of 100 marks. For details, one can see the circular available at the end of this article. So please keep reading!
Directorate General of Medical Education (DGME) Website :
Applicants can find all information regarding application process, guidelines, fee payment method and others at the following two websites :
www.dgme.gov.bd and www.dghs.gov.bd.
BUMS BAMS & BHMS Admission Circular Year 2024:
Once the circular is available, we will surely put it up here. So please keep following us!
Note : This circular is applicable for both government and private Unani & Ayurvedic Medical Colleges, Homeopathic Medical Colleges and Faculty of Unani-Ayurvedic, Hamdard University Bangladesh.
BUMS, BAMS & BHMS Admission Test 2023 Results :
Admission test results of first year BUMS, BAMS and BHMS course for year 2022-2023 is out.
According to the results, the authority initially has selected 50 students each for admission into Government Ayurvedic & Unani Medical Colleges and Government Homeopathic Medical Colleges. Additionally the authority has kept some 347 candidates on waiting list. Check your merit position here!
Candidates can check their results and admission related information by visiting either of the following websites as well :
www.dgme.gov.bd, www.dghs.gov.bd
Admission Period :
Candidates who became successful in the admission test need to complete their admission process over the period from June 6 to June 15, 2023. For admission, they need to contact the Office of Principal of concerned medical college.
During admission, successful candidates have to submit the following documents, among others :
- Original copies of Academic Transcripts or Mark-sheets of SSC and HSC or their equivalent examinations.
- Original Certificates or Testimonial in support of passing SSC & HSC or their equivalent exams.
- Four (4) copies of attested passport size fresh color photograph.
- In support of District Quota claim, nationality certificate issued from local City Corporation Mayor/Municipality Chairman/Union Parishad Chairman/Ward Commissioner.
- Admit card of the written test.
- Those who became successful under Freedom Fighter Quota need to submit relevant certificate issued from the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs.