BHPI (Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, CRP) opens a job circular to recruit medical professionals for 23 vacant positions. The last date to apply by postal service or courier is June 6, 2023.
Bangladesh Health Professions Institute is an academic institute of CRP (The Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed), situated in Savar on the outskirt of Dhaka.
BHPI (CRP) Vacancy Call In Details :
As per the circular, the authority will recruit medical professional for the following positions :
- Professor and Associate Professor of Physiotherapy (1 post each) 2. Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy (1post) 3.Assistant Professor of Physiotherapy (1 post) 4. Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy (3 post) 5. Assistant Professor of Speech & Language Therapy (1 post) 6. Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Science (1 post) 7. Assistant Professor of English (1 post) 8. Lecturer of Physiotherapy (4 posts) 9. Lecturer of Occupational Therapy (3 posts) 10. Lecturer of Speech & Language Therapy (2 post) 11. Lecturer of Rehabilitation Science (1 post) 12. Lecturer of Prosthetics & Orthotics (3 posts).
BHPI Job Application Process :
Interested professionals meeting certain requirements need to send their complete CV with forwarding letter along with the following documents : Photocopies of all academic certificates, publications (if any) and NID; one (1) copy of fresh passport size photograph and two references.
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Application Destination :
Applicants need to send their CV with all required things to the following address :
Principal, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute (BHPI), CRP, Chapain, Savar, Dhaka-1343.
N.B : Applicants must forward five (5) hard copies of their CV with forwarding along with all relevant documents.
CRP Website :
For details such as application requirements, qualifications, application process etc., one needs to visit the following website :
BHPI (CRP) Job Circular 2023 :
For more, aspirants need to see the CRP Job Circular 2023 provided below :